Now that the summer internship had been finished, it's time to show you what our interns had worked on this summer. For the following weeks, every day we will two of the many works upload the of the students, each one in a bite size.
You can read all about our interns on
Today's first work will be about the first page of Paige's work on our SDG made easy program. Have a nice read.
SDG Made Easy & Access to Health Care
Sustainable Development Goals, more commonly known as SDGs, provide a roadmap for shared goals among members of the United Nations. They came about in 2015 and plan to be accomplished by 2030. In the same year, 2015, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) essentially expired. MDGs consisted of eight common goals that ranged from reducing poverty rates and hunger to promoting gender equality. MDGs acted as a foundation for SDGs and expanded the eight goals into 17 goals. They then breakdown even further into 169 SDG Targets and 232 indicators. These indicators measure the success of each SDG and can cause the SDG language to be viewed as confusing and too extensive.
On this page, you will find the 17 SDGs and their accompanying indicators and targets simplified into six main topics. These include Access to Healthcare, Protecting the Environment, Youth Development, Advances in Technology, Promoting, Gender, Equality, and Improving Living Standards.
Access to Health Care
No Poverty
Prevalence of undernourishment
Prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age
Prevalence of wasting in children under 5 years of age
Zero Hunger
Prevalence of undernourishment
Prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age
Prevalence of wasting in children under 5 years of age
Good Health & Well Being
Maternal mortality rate
Neonatal mortality rate
Mortality rate, under -5 incidence of tuberculosis
New HIV infections
Age- standardized death rate due to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease in adults aged 30-70 years
Age-standardized death rate attributable to household air pollution and ambient air pollution
Life expectancy at birth
Adolescent fertility rate
Births attended by skilled health personnel
Surviving infants who received 2 WHO-recommended vaccines
Universal health coverage (UHC) index of service coverage
Subjective well-being
Gender Equality
Demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods
Reduced Inequalities
Palma ratio
Elderly poverty rates
Income growth inequalities
Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion
Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination
Adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality
Special and differential treatment of developing countries
Partnerships for the Goals
Government spending on health and education
For high-income and all OECD DAC countries: international concessional public finance, including official development assistance